SINK Swansea…

So there is a (relatively) new night on in Sin City on Saturdays – SINK (view Facebook here) It combines live art and hippidy hop music to raise money for the Metropolitan’s illustration course, super duper! So when I was asked if I wanted to draw, I initially turned it down… But then I did it. And here is what I done.

The angry robo dude is mine, the awesome swamp chick is Karl’s and the Spiderman… I dunno. If you live in Swansea, check it out, It’s a fab idea.

Denmark Trip…

A few months ago I was invited to a workshop in Denmark with seven other illustrators/ designers to find five people to fill graphic designer openings. They requested some ‘home work’ before the trip, a self portrait and a logo. These were my submissions. They were reasonably rushed as I had just started another job, but didn’t come out too bad. Take a look-see.

Andrew Jackson – Sound Engineer/ Producer Extraordinaire

First of all, I know I have been rather terrible with posts lately, and I apologise, but anyway… Mr Jackson’s website has been updated! A big congratulations and thank you goes to him for linking to my site. What a star.

The coolest recovered meat product in town… (Three illustrations in one and a half days Part 3)

Or am I just jumping the shark?.. This lil fella is based on a drawing I did at New Designers earlier in the month with my cohorts from the Swansea Met. illustration crew.


No one else will find this funny… (Three illustration in one and a half days part 2)

Will they? I don’t care (I do). Here is a little comic strip I have been dying to do for a little while. More to come? Maybe, Do you care? Definitely.

HAHA Blockhead!.. (Three illustrations in one and a half days part 1)

(Can you tell? (Don’t answer that)) Here is something I drew for a portfolio submission to somewhere…

Qwertee comp…

This is my submission for the Qwertee logo redesign competition they have on atm. If you head over now you can see the present robot they’ve got, yeah, now you know why they wanted it redone huh?.. Just kidding, but it definitely needed some work. They wanted the new design to be as similar as possible to the present one, but with all the limbs this time.

Arriva, Arriva!

OK, so this was done for uni, about a month ago, but I don’t care. OK? OK.

I doodle when…

…The missus puts American Idol on the telly. Vader hates American Idol…

BAZOOKA BOY! …finally.

So, I actually finished some of my comic book work (insert thunderous applause), and put up the prints for our final uni exhibition, in the grand theater, Swansea.

Really rather happy with how the front cover came out, but to be honest, not so happy with the comic pages, and I think I may redo them on photoshop like the cover (as there were originally pen and ink).